Miss Sheryl’s & Miss Jen’s 2/11/2022 Red Robin Preschool Newsletter
Dear Families,

Miss Sheryl
What a wonderful week we had filled with learning and fun!!! This week we learned all about the letter “Oo”. We added a giant “Olaf” to our letter board. Your children had a blast painting that little snowman! We had the song “Let it Go!” on repeat that Friday afternoon!
On Monday we practiced writing our letter “Oo’s”. Your children as always did outstanding! We also added an owl to our Pictionary books. During “Meeting Time” we talked all about words that start with the letter “Oo”. Your children came up to share their pictures with the class. We then read a funny story about an octopus called The Octopus Escapes by Malie Maloy. Your children loved the story! They were excited to start making their very own octopus! In the afternoon we added number “3” to our Number books. Your children are doing a fabulous job learning how to write their numbers!
We also talked some more about hibernation and migration, and danced to all of our Winter songs!
On Tuesday we got to work on our Octopus project! This project involved a lot of cutting and wow was I impressed to see how well they were all cutting and staying focused! They were determined to get those 8 octopus legs cut and put them together. They were so proud of their work and can’t wait to show you! He is the cutest – if we do say so ourselves!!! Tuesday was also dedicated to our very own “Opposite Day”. Your children learned all about opposites during Meeting Time. I had a set of cards of opposites. I showed all the opposite cards and I was absolutely amazed to see how all of your children knew almost all of them. Since they were so good at knowing their opposites, I turned it into a matching game. They had a blast with this. All of your children are so incredibly bright. I was not surprised at all to learn how well they all know their opposites. We then read a book to go with our opposite’s lesson called Octopus Opposites, by Stella Blackstone. We also listened to a song in a book while looking at the pictures. It is called Octopus’s Garden, by Ringo Starr.
In the afternoon we kept our opposite theme going and did a group activity to create our own little Opposite Books. Your children were able to look at the pictures, determine the opposites, and then had an opportunity to color all of the pictures. They really enjoyed this! We hung up the pictures of all the opposites learned in our classroom for your children to see each day!
On Wednesday we baked! Your children created a vanilla cake and added Oreos to the cake batter. When the cake was finished, we cut it into an uppercase “O” and a lowercase “o”. We then decorated it with orange frosting, topped it with mini Oreos and then gobbled it up! It was delicious!!!
During Meeting Time, we played our opposites matching game again… it was a special request from all of your children! We then read the story The Orq by David Elliot. After Meeting Time we hit the playground to get out all of our energy from that outrageous cake we made! It was such a beautiful day! In the afternoon we added number “4” to our Number Books and read the story Owl’s Aren’t Good at Keeping Secrets by Sara O’Leary.
The boys and girls are all about LOVE! You can find love all around our room! Each one of our names is hanging on a glittery heart and your children love coming in to find their names on their hanging hearts. We are looking forward to our special celebration on Monday! On Thursday we created Valentine’s Day puzzles. Your children wrote each letter of their name on an individual heart. They then put their puzzles together to spell their first and last names. They will be going home in special envelopes and will be sent home before LOVE Day. Be on the lookout for them! During Meeting Time we talked about Valentine’s Day and read the story Happy Valentine’s Day Little Critter!, by Mercer Mayer. As we read the book the children got so excited because everything that Little Critter was doing for Valentine’s Day – our class was doing, too! From making his own mailbox, creating cards and decorations, Little Critter was just like us! Please ask them all about it! In the afternoon we added number “5” to our Number Books.
Friday was “GAME DAY! Your children had a blast celebrating the Super Bowl! We did a bunch of activities to honor the big game! They had their game faces on and looked great in their sports attire! We enjoyed delicious chips and salsa for a snack to get ready for the big game on Sunday. We also continued our Valentine’s Day crafts and were working on our migration projects. We are talking each day about migration and learning which animals migrate. Your children know that during the Winter, certain animals move south to stay warm. We read the story Following Papa’s Song, by Gianna Marino and talked about migration. We then started painting for a special migration project that will be coming home soon! Our hibernation/migration unit has been going great. Your children are able to recall many facts that they are learning each day! In the afternoon we did Science. We made “Oobleck”. What fun we had! The directions to make it are attached to the back of this newsletter if you wish to try it at home.
Next week we’ll be learning the letter “Pp”. Please send in pictures. Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Monday, February 14th. Don’t forget to wear red or hearts for the day! A very special thank you to Luca, Luciana, Kenzie and Rocco’s families for treating the class to PIZZA on Monday, February 14th. We are feeling the love! No lunch is necessary on Monday – we know your children love the pizza! Feel free to send in any peanut tree nut free snacks for our celebration! Our class always has great celebrations – due to the thoughtfulness of all of our families! Thank you once again for making it a fun and memorable day for all! Pajama day will be on Wednesday February 16th. The children and staff will all come to school in pjs! Pancakes for snack!!! We will also begin our “Polar Animal Unit”, as well as continuing our “Animals in Winter Unit” next week. Wait we’re not done… we also have to talk about two very famous Presidents! We will learn all about our very first President –George Washington (We will discover what important lesson George was taught at an early age.)
We will also learn about Abraham Lincoln, our 16th President. We will find out how he lived (not like us) and also taught himself to read! Are we busy or what?!?!
As always, thank you for everything that you do!!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Sheryl and Miss Jen