Miss Sheryl’s & Miss Jen’s 9/24/2021 Red Robin Preschool Newsletter
Dear Families,

Miss Sheryl
“Jj” is for a jolly good time – and that’s what are class is having! The letter “Jj” has put us in a more jovial mood – if that is even possible.
Our homework board has a hilarious “jumbo jellyfish” on it! The children prepare our classroom homework board each week by painting something that starts with the “letter of the week”. It is the centerpiece for all of our pictures that the children bring in! the children love getting up in front of their friends and showing their homework. They are very proud as they see it go up on the board. We added a “jolly jack-in-the-box” to our Pictionary Book.
Were you hearing an unusual amount of “jungle noises” this week? Wait until you see the jungle actually come home to your house. First, your children water colored approximately 10 jungle animals – that truly came out spectacular!!! Then they cut grass, trees and leaves to create just the right environment for their animals. Once the jungle was cut and glued – your children got the chance to have fun placing the animals in their jungle – before they glued them permanently. It’s an incredible project. Everyone enjoyed seeing how each of their classmates put the project together. I’m not sure which your children enjoyed more either painting or placing the animals on the mural.
We did get some cardio in this week – we did jumping jacks before meetings.
We added some more holiday stories and “Jj” books at story time.
Here are just a few and we have plenty more to come:
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Jesse Bear, What Will You Wear? It’s Christmas, David! Where is Christmas, Jesse Bear?
We are still working on some “important” holiday crafts that will go home next week. We think they will add “beauty” and some “fun” to your holiday decorations.
Luciana will be our Queen on Monday, December 13th. On Wednesday, the “Royal Hand Maiden, Miss Jen”, dipped her hands into the “Majestic Royal Decision-Making Bowl”. We have our first “King” for next Friday, December 17th. It will be Luca! We can’t wait to see what happens when Luca is King! His mom says he has been practicing ever since at home ever since his name was called! LOL!
Having our first “King” next week is quite fitting. We will move on to the letter “Kk”. Please send in your children’s “Kk” pictures, along with any homework he or she is doing. The children are truly working hard! Some of the children are actually writing what the pictures are!!!
***Newsflash!!! -Our holiday party will be on Thursday, December 23rd.
It is our last day of school be fore the winter recess. Luca and his family have generously asked if they can provide the pizza for the party. Thank you soooo much Olavarria family! I will remind you in next week’s newsletter that lunch will not be needed on that Thursday, unless your child prefers something else. (I doubt it-they love PIZZA!) The children are going to attempt to make “Spritz Holiday Cookies” that week for the party! (I think I meant – I’m going to attempt to make them for the first time – with your children) …it will be fun to mix all the ingredients and see how strong we are to put them through the cookie press!!! If you would like, please feel free to send in any additional goodies you think the children will enjoy. We will do the in school-baking, anything else has to be store bought. Thank you, in advance for all your help! It will be another fun celebration! Instead of “Pin the Feathers on the Turkey”, they will be helping Rudolph get a red-nose! Speaking of Rudolph, wait until you see the festive hats your children wear to this party!!!
***At this time, I think I can safely say we have more than enough paper towel and toilet paper rolls. Thank you for always being so helpful!
Have a weekend full of jumping jacks and joy!
Miss Sheryl and Miss Jen