Miss Lori & Miss Kristine’s March 10, 2023 Red Robin Pre-K Newsletter
This week we moved on to the letter “Tt”. Each of your children made a “tepee” for their Pictionary Book. We have many “Tt” pictures on our letter board and we all know our friends Tara, Talia and Timmy begin with the letter of the week. We had a very special visitor this week!! Tallulah T. Tuttle came to our school to teach us about proper manners during a “T” party! She was dressed in rainbow colors from head to toe and she enjoyed dancing the tango for us! Tallulah showed everyone how to hold their “pinky’s up” when drinking from their water bottles and how to delicately wipe the corners of their mouth after eating! She gave all of the children special “T” cookies which looked just like teddy grahams! Each time one of the girls and boys had to get up they had to say “ta-ta” or “tootles”! Needless to say, the laughter in our room was so great that some of us were in tears!!!
We have begun learning the terminology for many of our body parts. We learned about the words Skull, Skeleton, Bones, Muscles, Veins and Ligaments. We have learned that our heart is the biggest muscle. We also learned that each hand has 27 bones and our entire body has 206!!! We took turns feeling our heart rate at rest and then again after running in place for two minutes! We also watched our chests expand as we all took deep breaths in and filled our lungs with air and then released the air and saw as our chests went back down! I have a large amount of very explicit books, some which are three dimensional and very detailed. All of the children are completely fascinated as we learn and listen to these books.
Our class has begun making their Human Body look like themselves! The children are looking into a mirror and drawing their face as they see it. They are also making their hair either short, long, curly or straight, just as they like to wear their hair. Next week we will continue in more detail about our brain and our stomach, in addition to speaking about our muscles, ligaments and veins.
Have an unusual and unique weekend with your children! Next week we will move on the letter “Uu”.
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine