Miss Lori & Miss Kristine’s November 4, 2022 Red Robin Preschool Newsletter
Dear Pre-K Families,
This week we have begun speaking about Thanksgiving. Our Pre-K class is so thoughtful and we are so proud of them. Our class discussions at Circle Time have been quite amazing as we share what we are most thankful for. Your children have been very busy preparing for this wonderful holiday .All of your children have made a Turkey placemat using their hand as a turkey. They will also be making a turkey centerpiece as well as a beautiful wreath for your home. Our school will be collecting non-perishable food to donate to our local food pantry for those less fortunate. Please send these donations in by Friday of next week so that we can deliver these food items in time for Thanksgiving. Our Thanksgiving feast will be on Wednesday, November 23. Each year our class shares a Thanksgiving feast together. Please sign up for something to contribute to our feast. I am attaching a sign-up sheet for you. Thank you in advance for your generosity! This will be a fun experience for all of your children. They will also be wearing Native American costumes that they are making!!!
I have been working with each of your children this week as I assess them in preparation for our Parent – Teacher conferences next week. I look forward to speaking with all of my families so that I can share the fantastic progress your children have made thus far! Please make sure to sign-up if you have not already done so.
During lesson time we have spoken about the letter “Hh” and the sound it makes. Everyone made a “Haunted House” for their Pictionary Book and practiced writing the upper and lower case “Hh”. We take turns thinking of words that begin with the letter sound as I write the words on a class chart each week.
Your children are noticing that some words only have two letters such as “Hi”, while other words have twelve letters such as “Hippopotamus”. We also discuss each of the pictures that are sent in each week. Our class has also learned about “Veteran’s Day” this week. We know that we are thankful for our Veteran’s being brave and strong and for keeping us safe and free! Each of the boys and girls made a red, white and blue hat just like the Statue of Liberty wears! We learned about the “Army”, the “Navy”, the “Coast Guard” the “Marines” and the “Air Force”. The boys and girls know that both men and women can protect our country and keep us safe.
Our class had a very special treat this week –“Music with Miss Sheryl”! They sang and danced to all types of Thanksgiving songs, dances and finger plays. Check out our Facebook page to see the pictures! The words to these songs are attached if you would like to sing along with your child at your own Thanksgiving Feast! To make it easier, if you have Apple music or some other musical app you can find the music to all of these songs: Thanksgiving Songs for Preschool and Kindergarten”, by the Kidboomers. “Who’s that Walking Down the Street?” –is not on there, but it’s a cute poem to act out-the children love it! “Hello Mr. Turkey” is on “Holiday Piggyback Songs” by Kimbo Children’s Music. Hope you enjoy and please send us videos and pictures!!!
Please send your children dressed in warm clothing as we will continue to enjoy the fresh air on our beautiful playgrounds. Your children are always so excited to get outside! We have all been observing the changing leaves as we collect them, crunch them and jump in them!
Next week we will move on to the letter “Ii”. I am looking forward to conferencing with each of you as well! Enjoy your weekend.
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine