Miss Lori’s 2/26/2021 Red Robin Preschool Newsletter
Dear Families,
We were all so excited to welcome all of our friends back to school! We each shared something special and fun from our vacation. Many of the boys and girls told us about going sleigh riding, building snowmen and having snowball fights. We certainly had plenty of snow for the children to enjoy!!!
This week we learned all about the letter “Qq”. We learned the sound that is makes. We also learned that the letter “Qq” is always followed by its friend the letter “Uu”. Some of our friends made a “Queen” puppet and some of our friends made a “Quail”.
We had lots of fun with Miss Sheryl this week! Miss Sheryl plays really fun music with the class and gets all of the children moving! The children were also taught the “Sign Language” for lots of “COLORS” this week. We are going to learn a song entitled “It’s a Wonderful World” with sign language. All of the children have caught onto this very quickly. Ask them to show you the sign for “I LOVE YOU!”
During lesson time we have been counting up to 100 every single day! Everyone is so excited for next week, when we finally reach 100!!! All of the children are thinking about how much smarter they are now!!! I will send home a list next week as to what they said. The boys and girls decided they want chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream choices, with whipped cream, chocolate syrup and sprinkles for our 100th day party! Please have fun working with your child on their “100 Day Masterpieces”. They can cut, glue, draw or paint on a piece of paper to create a 100 “things”. We can’t wait to see what all of you have come up with. We will share everyone’s creativity next week. (If your child doesn’t come to school on Wednesday we will share their artwork on whichever day your child comes to school.) Have fun and be as creative as you like!
Enjoy your weekend! Next week we will move on to the letter “Rr”.
Have a quality weekend!
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine