Miss Lori’s & Miss Kristine’s 2/18/22 Red Robin Preschool Newsletter
Dear Nursery Families,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day celebration with
your children. All of the boys and girls were so excited to have their feet painted! Some of them were so ticklish that they had a very hard time staying still!!! Thank you to everyone for your contributions for our Valentine’s Day Party! It was delicious and a huge success!
This week was so much fun, especially when we got to wear our pajamas to school!!! Our class had a parade and a “Pajama Fashion Show!” Each child walked down the aisle to music slowly, stopped and turned around so we could see the front and back of their pajamas and some children showed us their slippers!!! Even Miss Lori and Miss Kristine wore pajamas! To top it off Miss Sheryl came up to our class to share her homemade pancakes with syrup for a special snack. Then Miss Sheryl told our class a Robert Munsch story called Mortimer. All of the children had so much fun participating in the story with Miss Sheryl (who was also wearing her pajamas!) We also read If You Give A Pig A Pancake, by Laura Numeroff as well as Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party, by Kimberly and James Dean.
During the week our class learned about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. We discussed the job of a President. They know that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s faces are on our money. I showed them a one dollar bill, a quarter, a penny and a five dollar bill. Everyone made “Abraham Lincoln’s Log Cabin” and they made “George Washington’s Cherry Tree”. All of us spoke about the fact that George Washington could’ve told a lie to his parents about chopping down the cherry tree to his parents. But he told the truth. Every one of the girls and boys know they always must tell the truth, no matter what!
We read a story about a penguin called Cudley Dudley, by Jez Alborough. We made precious penguins which your children will be bringing home. For our Alphabet Book the children also made a penguin.
Wishing all of our families a very healthy, happy and safe winter vacation! We look forward to seeing everyone on Monday, February 28th, back at Red Robin. We will move on to the letter “Qq” upon our return.
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine