Miss Debbie’s Newsletter for 12-3-20
Dear Families,
Oh! My goodness! Days are moving fast!!! We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Did your children entertain you with any turkey songs? Did you take out the song sheet and sing? Do you have a favorite? Enough about Thanksgiving – It’s DECEMBER!!! Get your Fa, La, La’s ready!
We started off the week talking about the letter “Ii”. For our big classroom “Ii”, we colored Iguanas with a green crayon (our color of the month), and then glued them on. We also made ice cream cones in a special way. We mixed shaving cream and glue. The children then added the color paint of their favorite ice cream to the mix and then we topped our cones with REAL sprinkles!!! They looked so yummy that we decided to make our own delicious ice cream. It was really fun! We used ice, salt, cream, vanilla and Ziploc bags full of ice. The children were amazed to see that they created their very own delicious ice cream and got to eat it!!! We have attached the recipe if you want to try it at home. It is super easy and lots of fun!!! In keeping with the theme of ice cream – we added ice cream cones made out of our hands to our Alphabet Book as well.
Since we started a new month this week, we also have a new color – “GREEN”. Our shape of the month is a “STAR” and the number is “4”. We have so much fun at lesson time learning new things!
We are going to be busy little elves for the next few weeks. We can’t wait to show you. We are also making you a surprise for the holidays. So some things will come home as they always do, and other projects you will just have to wait for!!!
Next week we will introduce the letter “Jj”. Just wait and see what we can do with that letter!
***Reminder – Please remember that even though it is getting colder – we still go out to play in the fresh air! Please make sure the children have coats and hats. If you haven’t sent in a warm change of clothes, please do so as soon as you can.
Wishing everyone a JOYOUS holiday season!
We are so happy to share the excitement with your children.
Have an incredible weekend!
Miss Debbie and Miss Sam