Miss Debbie’s Sept. 23, 2022 Red Robin Preschool Newsletter
Dear Families,
There are many changes in the world around us. The leaves are changing colors, there’s a little chill in the air and we are enjoying all the different kinds of apples we can eat. I’m sure as you walk around your neighborhood you are also seeing many Fall and Halloween decorations. We check out Red Robin daily when we are outside. We are all very excited that we are starting to see signs of fall.
This week we learned all about the letter “Bb”. We made buses using yellow paint, popsicle sticks and our pictures. Your children love painting! They are not afraid of getting messy and are having fun!!! We are also making an ABC Book that your children will bring home at the end of the year. With each letter we use different objects that start with the letter of the week. They all love being involved and helping create each page. It’s a good time to mention that I hope you are checking out all the pictures on our Facebook page. For our large classroom “B” we used “Bingo Markers” all over the “B” and hung it up in our classroom. We went on a “B Hunt”, looking all over our classroom for things that start with “Bb”, such as; blocks, banana, bowls, and babies. For music we put on an interactive song “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. Children love this song for the repetition, action and anticipation of finding the bear in the cave and running away! There are many versions of this song that you can find on your musical downloads.
“Bb” is for “BUBBLES”! Everyone enjoys bubbles even the teachers. Your children had a blast with them. We also “Baked Brownies” for the letter “Bb” which all the boys and girls loved to help add the ingredients and stir the batter.
Your children are amazing and have adjusted so quickly to separation and our classroom routines. We are very proud of them.
In the next few weeks we will be starting an exciting event in our classroom- “Rainbow Catcher”. Your child will receive a colored bag for the color of that month. We will select two children at a time. Walk around your house with your child and see if he or she can find 5 items that are the chosen color. Place the items in the bag and send the bag back on that designated day. Have your child wear something that indicates the color and lets us know that they are the “Rainbow Catcher”. (The color can be anywhere; on a shirt, shoelaces, sneakers, headband, etc. –please don’t go out and buy something in particular.) Your child will then be able to show the class all the special colored items they found on their search during Circle Time. Your child will be able to use our special classroom pointer and count the items, too! I will send the items back at the end of the day.
*Reminder-School will be closed for religious observance this coming Monday, September 26th and Tuesday, September 27th. We will see everyone back on Wednesday!
We will continue with the letter “B” next, as it is a short week.
Have a great weekend first weekend of Fall!
Miss Debbie & Miss Jen