Miss Anne’s Pre-K Newsletter for May 6
Dear Pre-K Families,
Hi, everyone! It’s me! I really can’t tell you all how much I look forward to seeing everyone twice a week and writing to you as well. I know you are truly missing Miss Anne. She is still recuperating, but I tell her everything that all of you are doing while we are apart. She sends hugs to all of you!
We had our first “Zoom Star”, Sabrina! She was awesome!!! It was so much fun learning all about her. We even know how tall she is and she stood on a chair to show us how big she is getting!!! Everyone will get a chance-don’t worry! Can’t wait to hear all about Sara today!
On Today’s Zoom lesson we will be talking about a very important person in our lives, our MOM’s!!! We will talk about how special they are. The children are going to show the pictures they drew of their moms, as well as tell us why they love their mom. We will also learn a quick little poem for the children to sing to you on Mother’s Day.
Mommy, mommy I love you!
Mommy, mommy – yes I do!
(You might have to help them.)
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of our moms and grandmothers a very special and Happy Mother’s Day! Although, a bit different this year, (What isn’t?) I hope you have a lovely day.
Wishing all of you a wonderful weekend filled with joy and good health.
Miss Sheryl