May 6, 2020 Red Robin School Greetings & Inspiration from Miss Sheryl
Dear Red Robin Families,
Once again I hope this letter finds you all well, safe, happy and healthy. I know I said happy at such a tumultuous time in our lives. But, I think, if everyone we know and love is safe and healthy-we can be joyful. When you’re spending quality family time and creating wonderful memories amidst the chaos-that can be true happiness. Hopefully, we will never ever experience this situation again-but would you ever have all this time to just focus on your family? Time you will never get back-so enjoy. Children have a wonderful way of making you forget your worries-even f it’s just for a while. You all know I have been an educator for over forty years… but, if you and your child are getting stressed out over a school assignment…STOP-PUT IT DOWN-DANCE! RUN AROUND THE ROOM! TICKLE EACH OTHER! PILLOW FIGHT! MAKE POPCORN! MAKE SMORES! DO CARTWHEELS! SING A SONG-OFF KEY! The work will wait.
One day we can feel great, and the next day broken.
The pandemic teaches us to appreciate the little things.
Nothing is permanent.
So be thankful for your blessings.
Life is so very precious.
I could not end this week’s newsletter without a wish for all our incredible “MOTHER’S” and “GRANDMOTHER’S” From all of us at Red Robin and from my family to yours-have a well deserved and wonderful Mother’s Day!!! Different as it is-make it special with your loved ones.
Miss Sheryl