Ideas to Keep Your Children Engaged & Learning at Home
From Mr. Michael
Dear Red Robin Students and Parents,
We miss all of you very much and can’t wait to resume our school life as an extended Red Robin Family. Based on the word of our public officials, the more everyone cooperates with social distancing and sanitizing mandates, the faster we will contain the virus, and the more rapidly we will resume life as we know and love it!!!!!
Sheryl and I have discussed ideas regarding ways you may engage your children educationally, while at home. Our teachers sent newsletters, which you should have received yesterday. Below is a letter Miss Sheryl put together, providing some useful ideas and tools.
I am working on setting up a means of bringing a little Red Robin story time to your children, if you will allow my face and voice to periodically share your home computer screen or phone. It would be a nice way to connect with our students while we are temporarily “distancing.”
Enjoy the letter and feel free to share stories or projects. It would be a pleasure to be able to describe your creativity and adventures to other families.
Hoping your families and you remain healthy, and safe!!!!
Mr. Michael
Miss Sheryl’s Ideas to Keep Your Children Engaged & Learning at Home
To Our Wonderful Red Robin Families,
I wanted to take a moment and check-in on your children and you. As you know, I have been an educator for close to 45 years and involved with children even longer, as a babysitter and camp counselor.
I have always said that children give adults so much more than we give them. They make us smile and laugh when we are sad, and they make us strong against adversity. As I sit at home, the silence is almost deafening!!! I’m supposed to be at Red Robin greeting parents and getting hugs from the children. I should be walking through classrooms, hearing little voices learning and playing, as well as seeing loving and dedicated teachers do what they do best!!!!!
In the interest of remaining connected to our families, Mr. Michael will be sending email updates, as well as newsletters from our teachers.
Consistency Is Important – Keep Your Children on a Schedule
While you are at home, there is still a great deal that you can do with children. Everyone is used to a schedule, including your children at school. Consistency is important in all of our lives, especially that of a young child.
Make a Schedule (with time intervals….i.e. 8:00AM-8:30AM) for the day, including:
- Reading Time
- Educational Time
- Game Time, etc…
Set up a Calendar
- Circle Time (your children can show you)
- Snack Time
- Outdoor Time (Take a family walk or bike ride.)
- Lunch Time (Let your child help you prepare the meal.),
- Fine Motor Skills -painting, coloring, Play-doh, writing practice.
How to Keep Your Children Physically Active
Add some Musical Movement (Put on anything and move-your children will love it!)
You can also go on YouTube and search “Go Noodle” for more movement fun.
Incorporate Outdoor Time in the afternoon (weather permitting).
Otherwise, put on any yoga music for children and let your children teach you how to breathe, relax and pose too! It might help you achieve some calm in these stressful times.
Don’t Forget Creative Play
- Build a fort out of blankets
- Create a circus
- Visit the zoo (virtually)
- Become superheroes
- Put on magic shows
- Play family and, of course, school
- Every moment is a teachable moment
Family Game Night Brings the Family Closer Together
When I was raising my children, we always had “Family Game Night”. Long before Cable TV, video games and the rest—–it was family time. It was a time to sit around the kitchen table, or den floor, and interact with each other. The laughter was loud and the memories forever. Let’s get back to basics. I’m going to list a few. If you don’t have them, I’m sure Amazon will deliver the items to you:
- Clue Jr.
- Monopoly Jr.
- Life Jr.
- Memory Games (you can even use a deck of cards)
- Old Maid
- Go Fish
Hunt for Shapes, Colors or ABCs Right in Your Own Home
You can go on a Shape or Color Hunt in your house by either looking for things that are a specific shape or color, or by cutting out shapes and hiding colored paper. The same could be true of an ABC Hunt.
Stay Connected With Grandma & Grandpa
Don’t forget to FaceTime Grandma and Grandpa!!!!! I’m sure they could use some time with their grandchildren while they are isolated. Let the children “read” a favorite book to them in their own words. The children could also “sing and dance for them.”
Use Technology to Stay Connected with Friends
Let your children FaceTime their friends too! If you are active on Facebook, go on your town mom’s group and create the following activity….Encourage families to have their children color rainbows and then place them in their front windows. When you go outside for your walks with your children, you can count the rainbows.
Great Learning Applications for Your Children
Below is a list of some great learning apps and websites:
Don’t Forget to ‘Stop & Smell the Flowers’
As I say to your children in Yoga class, take a moment to breathe in and “smell the flowers,” and then breathe out and “blow out the candles.”
Hopefully we will all be back together very soon. Give an extra hug to your children. Mr. Michael promises to keep you updated and to communicate often.
Wishing everyone good health.
Miss Sheryl