Dear Pre-K Families,
This week we welcomed Fall into our classroom. We “adopted” a tree in our playground and noticed that the leaves on the tree are all green and have not changed yet. While we were outside, a few of us did find leaves that had fallen off of the trees that are yellow and red. Next week we will be finger-painting large fall leaves to decorate our classroom as well as creating a class Fall tree for our door.
We have been working on our writing, how to hold a pencil and how to write different types of lines. We have practiced straight lines, horizontal lines, slanted lines, and curved lines. All of these lines make up the letters of the alphabet. Next week we will begin with the letter Aa. “Show and Tell” also begins next week. Your children have been practicing writing their names as well. They are learning that the first letter of their name is an upper case letter while all of the other letters are lower case letters.
This week we began writing in our journals. We also started our “All About Me” book, which is an ongoing book that we work on each month. You will receive this book at graduation! The children had to look in a mirror and draw their face, paying close attention to detail.
We have had a terrific first full week of school. Your children are becoming used to the routine of our class and they are becoming a bit more independent. The boys and girls include everyone in our class, which is so nice to see. They are all quickly becoming friends!
Reminder: Next week begins “Show and Tell”. Please send your child to school on his or her designated day with one item that begins with the letter “Aa”.
Tuesday: Michelle, Melinda, Kamran, Enzo
Wednesday: Ava, Anthony, Bilal, Yasmeena
Friday: Logan, Maddox, Ayden
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine