January 24, 2014
News Flash from Miss Lori’s Pre-K Class
Dear Pre-K Families,
Due to the snowstorm this week, we will be continuing the letter “O” through the end of next week. However, we decided to take advantage of all of the snow outside! We bundled up, went outside, and filled up a large bowl with snow. The children “hypothesized” what they thought would happen to the snow after they came back from lunch. They discovered that the heat melted the snow a little bit after one hour. By two hours, the snow turned into liquid! They had so much fun doing this experiment!! We also made “snow playdoh”! We used white paint, glitter, flour, water, salt, and oil. The boys and girls had the best time making it, mixing it with their hands, and then playing with it!!
Lastly, I read a book called What Magnets Can Do? by Allan Fowler. Each child picked a magnet and went on a magnet hunt throughout our classroom, the hall, and the bathroom. We wrote down what each person discovered their magnet stuck to on a chart. We then did “magnet painting.” We put a piece of white paper in a shoebox. The children scooped different colors of paint onto their paper and then placed three magnetic marbles on top of their paper. They picked up the box and moved a large magnet underneath the box, moving the marbles inside the box in any direction they chose! The expressions of shock and amazement on the children’s faces were priceless!!!
Next week we will continue with the letter “O.” Next Friday, Jan. 31, 2014 we will celebrate the Chinese New Year. Please feel free to send your child to school in RED. Friday, February 7, 2014 is our “Pajama Day” for the letter “P!” Please send your child to school in pajamas. Miss Sheryl will be making us special pancakes!!! We are so excited for this! It is truly a fun and memorable day. (If your child is hesitant to wear their pajamas, please pack them in their backpack, as they will probably change their mind when they get into school. Lastly, the Friday before vacation, February 14, 2014 is our “Valentine’s Day” party. Please feel free to send in a treat for everyone in our class, remembering we are a nut free school. If your child would like to make Valentine’s for all of his/her classmates, please feel free to do so. We will have a Valentine “mailbox” for the children to mail their valentines to each other, beginning on Monday, February 10th.
We have many exciting events coming up before our Winter Break (February 17-21)
Enjoy your weekend
Miss Lori & Miss Kristine