Red Robin Preschool & Summer Camp Long Island, NY

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Dear Families:

We hope you enjoyed your weekend. This week we will introduce the letter “D”, make lots of “D” and Halloween craft and learn about firefighters and Fire Safety in anticipation of the visit by the Westbury Fire Department next week.

Last week we introduced our name cards with our pictures attached. The children loved finding their name card on our circle table when unpacking. They were especially excited to see their name cards in our jobs pocket chart. It was so easy for them to know that they had a job for that day.

We had a chance to paint at the easel last week. This week we will finger paint, play with shaving cream and Play Doh. (Some of these activities can be messy, so we will be using our smocks. If you haven’t sent in an old t-shirt of an older sibling, or one of your own, please do so as soon as possible.) These are activities that engage our small and large motor skills. They also engage the children’s sensory input. While some children love these activities from the start, others do not. As time goes on, we hope that everyone will love these activities.

DATES TO REMEMBER: Wednesday, October 25th:     Brayden’s birthday celebration.

Wednesday and Thursday October 25th and 26th: Red Robin Pumpkin Patch!!!

Friday, October 27th: Fire Department visit!!! (If your child does not attend on a Friday morning, you may make arrangements with Mr. Michael and Miss Sheryl to switch your child’s day for that week.)

Monday and Tuesday October 30th and 31st: Halloween!!! (Your child can wear their costume and bring a change of clothes in their backpack, or you can send them in street clothes and we will change them into their costume. Please, no weapons or masks that restrict their vision.)

Looking forward to a great week,

            Miss Louise, Miss Enedina, & Miss Kristine

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