Dear Pre-K Families,
The letter “Oo” was introduced this week. The children know the letter makes two sounds, which means it’s a vowel. They made an “Ollie Octopus” puppet and thought of many words that begin with the letter “Oo.”
We had a very busy and exciting week! We celebrated the Chinese New Year and made a special dragon project. We learned to say “Gung hay fat Choy”, which means “Happy New Year” in Chinese. In honor of the Super Bowl we had a lot of fun with Miss Sheryl tossing footballs, having relay races, and learning some football drills. All of the children got into a huddle at the end! We ate chips and salsa for snack, which the children enjoyed.
We have begun making a book about “Animals In Winter”. Our class knows the Ground Hog saw his shadow and he will go back into hibernation for six more weeks! We have been speaking about migration as well. We had a lot of fun seeing our shadows and we also played a shadow matching game.
We had a very special author come to our school yesterday. She will be coming back on Monday, March 6 for those children who were not in school yesterday. She created a fabulous book entitled Teeth Fairies by Ingrid Bencosme. This book comes with a tooth fairy doll as well. The children were mesmerized by this story!
A Few Reminders:
- Next Wednesday we will celebrate the letter “Pp” by wearing pajamas to school. We will also eat delicious pancakes made by Miss Sheryl!
- Please send in all “Valentines for Veterans” by Friday, February 10th
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine