Red Robin Preschool & Summer Camp Long Island, NY

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Dear Pre-K Families,

All of your children had such a great time coming to school dressed in costume on Monday! There was so much excitement in the air as each child arrived and the boys and girls were checking out every costume. Even all of the teachers were dressed up. Our Halloween parade was a lot of fun, as we paraded around the school to spooky music. Afterward, all of the children went trick-or-treating where they were given lots of goodies in the bags they had decorated. Our class party was delicious! All of the children enjoyed the treats that were sent in. Thank you for helping us have a special Halloween party.
Picture day went off without a hitch. Your children looked absolutely adorable all dressed up! I’m sure the photos will be gorgeous!
We completed another page in our “All About Me” book. Your children were interviewed about all sorts of topics and we wrote down exactly what they said. Some of the answers were hysterical! You will need to wait until graduation day to look at this fabulous book your children are creating.
A few reminders…
• Tuesday, November 8, is Parent-Teacher conference day. I have sent home a note with your children reminding you of the time you have chosen for Tuesday, as well as our back up date and time, in case I have jury duty. I will contact each of you as soon as I find out if I will be at school Tuesday, November 8 for conferences.
• Next Friday, November 11th is Veteran’s Day. School is closed.
• Due to the short week next week, as well as the week of Thanksgiving, we will introduce the letters “E” and “F” over the next two and a half weeks. We will resume the Monday after Thanksgiving with the letter “G”.
• Picture retake will be after Thanksgiving. We are waiting for you to see your pictures and then make a decision if you would like to do a retake.
• Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine

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