This week we will continue our winter themes by learning about how bears and other animals survive the snow and cold. Some of the books that we will read will be Snowmen at Night, Snowmen All Year, Sleep, Big Bear, Sleep!, and Hector Penguin. We will also introduce the children to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and what he represents. We will keep it simple, talking about being fair and letting everyone have the same chances to do things as their neighbors and friends.
The children have really enjoyed playing with Play-Doh. It offers them all sorts of opportunities to squeeze, mash, roll, etc. They love using our cookie cutters and rolling pins to flatten and create whatever their imaginations allow. To keep the mess factor down, we have used large activity trays that I purchased at a teacher store. You could use aluminum cake trays or pizza boxes at home to replicate the fun, yet limit the mess.
We will continue to work on our fine-motor skills and sensory activities by finger painting, playing with shaving cream, and painting with our home-made puff paint. Our recipe is simple: equal parts of Elmer’s white glue and shaving cream. You can add a little bit of food coloring or tempera paint for added color. Just be sure to mix it well using a brush and wash hands thoroughly afterwards.
Have a wonderful week,
Miss Louise, Miss Enedina, Miss Jade & Mr. Joe
Reminder-School Closed Monday, January 18th