Dear Families:
Parent Teacher Conferences were a wonderful way to reconnect and look at how far your children have come since September. If you were unable to meet last week, we can still arrange for a phone conference or in person conference. Call the office to make arrangements.
It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week! This week we are collecting canned and non-perishable boxed foods for those less fortunate than us. It is a wonderful lesson for our children. We always talk about helping our friends, sharing, and getting along; but this reminds the children that we also need to be kind and look after others who are not as lucky as we are to have food on our table every day.
Our Thanksgiving projects are coming along! We will be learning a Thanksgiving song about a turkey. Ask your child to sing it for you. It will put a smile on your face. We will be reading Thanksgiving books: Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving, Ten Turkeys Hide, and My First Thanksgiving.
We will be celebrating Thanksgiving in our classroom with a Thanksgiving Tasting Feast on Monday, November 21st. As with Halloween, all of our children are invited to come to school and celebrate on that day. We are attaching a list of potential foods for you to share.
Looking forward to another great week.
Miss Louise, Miss Alexa, & Miss Enedina