Miss Lori’s Nursery School Newsletter for April 22
Dear Nursery Families,
It was so much fun “Zooming” with so many of your children on Monday! I hope all of our families and extended families are all staying safe and healthy! It was so nice seeing Skyler’s baby brother on Zoom! It was also fun seeing everyone’s growing hair, and those lucky few that have gotten their haircut by their “resident barber “,(a.k.a. Mom and Dad)!!! We also got to see Sahana’s new parakeets! If anyone else would like to “bring their pet to Zoom” Thursday, we would love to meet your pet!!! I can bring Sam and Zoe, and you will get to see them wearing their diapers! Can you believe dogs can wear diapers?!
Thank you for continuing to send me pictures and videos! I look forward to keeping up with each of the children. I’m glad we are able to sing “Happy Birthday”, I’m happy to see the children sharing their stuffed animals via Zoom (we loved seeing all of the different Minnie Mouse stuffed animals!), and on Thursday let’s bring our pets to Zoom!!! Please make sure to log in at 11:00 on Thursday. The password and meeting I.D. are on the bottom of the invitation.
Looking forward to seeing everyone Thursday!
Stay healthy, stay safe!
Miss Lori