Red Robin Preschool & Summer Camp Long Island, NY

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A September Pre-K Update from Miss Anne
Dear Parents,
It was wonderful meeting so many of you at Orientation! I’m sending you this update to let you know that your children are adjusting beautifully to their new classroom setting and new routine in Pre-Kl They are making new friends and learning our class rules. am also learning all about them! They are eager to share tidbits of information about their families, which always bring a smile to my face!
I am so happy to inform you that Miss Sam will be joining our Pre-K team this year( I know many of you already know her from your child’s Nursery class! She is a caring, nurturing assistant teacher and Mr. Joe and I would like to welcome her to our class! We look forward to an awesome learning experience for your children!
Please follow us on Facebook. We will be posting photographs of the many events going on in our class.
We are starting the letter “Ad’ this week. (On holiday weeks, when we have two or more days off, we will not introduce a new letter.) The homework packet will be sent home and is a great tool to help them prepare for Kindergarten. I know it is not easy for many of them to hold a pencil correctly. We will be working on strengthening the muscles in their hands through fine motor play. using manipulatives with small pieces such as pegs and peg boards, Jenga blocks* Play dough etc. With a lot of encouragement, we hope to make great progress in teaching your child to be confident in writing their letters, especially the letters in their names. I am sending home a laminated sheet with the “Alphabet Path of Motion”. Please refer to this sheet as we learn the correct “path of motion” for each letter.
This year we will be learning Sign Language with the help of Miss Sheryl as our instructor. I am sending home a laminated sheet with the hand signs for each letter. Please use this to refer to each letter if your child needs help at home.
There will be days when your child may come home and tell you about something they made, and you don’t see it in their folder* Some of the projects we make are part of a book and will be sent home when each page is completed and the book is done.
Just a few friendly reminders; Please send in a pocket folder for all correspondence and homework, a plastic shoe box with a change of clothes and a photo of your child for our bulletin welcome board, if you have not already done so. Thank you!
As the year progresses, we will introduce you to more of the exciting, fun and enticing ways your child will learn in Pre-K! Looking forward to an awesome year ahead!
Miss Anne

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