Dear Pre-K Families,
We welcomed back all of our students from our last extended break from school! It is hard to believe it is already May! With that being said, even your children are realizing we have learned the letter “Yy” this week and that we only have one more letter to go until we have completed the alphabet. That realization made all of us in my class very sad but also very proud. Your children entered my class in September as “babies” so to speak when you compare their behavior and knowledge to now!!! They are well prepared for Kindergarten and we still have a month to go!
We have begun a unit on “The Human Body”. Your children are learning about muscles, bones, organs, arteries, veins, skin and joints. They are completely fascinated to learn how our bodies work. We will be studying this in depth and a very large human body will be coming home at the end of our unit.
I have sent home the words to all of our graduation songs with each of your children. If possible, it would be great if they could practice the words with you. We are also practicing singing these songs daily in school. Stay tuned for an impressive show! Please send in the eight family pictures by next Friday if you have not already done so.
We are excited to watch caterpillars transform into butterflies once the weather behaves a bit more like spring! They should be arriving sometime next week.
Your boys and girls have worked long and hard on the special Mother’s Day gifts they made for you. I hope they save them for you until Sunday! Miss Kristine and I wish all of our moms and grandma’s a very happy and loving Mother’s Day!
Enjoy your weekend
Miss Lori and Miss Kristine