October 25, 2018
Dear Families:
This week, we put on our best smiles for Picture Day. We can’t wait to see everyone’s pictures. We spent our week reviewing our letters, shape of the month, and color of the month. Halloween projects took up a lot of our time, too.
Boo! Happy Halloween. Next week, we will have our Halloween Parade and Party!!! We are so excited to see everyone’s costume! Remember to send in a change of clothing so that we do not get your child’s costume dirty during our party. We will move on to letter “F”. Books and projects about firefighters will abound. Our new color for November will be brown. Our new shape will be the triangle.
Since Mother Nature has finally given us the cooler weather of autumn, we will be sending home your child’s shorts and hoodies/sweaters. We will keep their short-sleeved shirts, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts. Jackets need to be worn outside on a more regular basis, so please remember to label your child’s jacket on the inside. It can be as simple as writing their name on a piece of masking/painter’s tape or using a laundry marker on the label.
We love taking advantage of the crisp autumn weather to climb up into the treehouse, chase bubbles, ride/push toys in our indoor/outdoor area, and play basketball on the basketball court. All of these activities strengthen our large muscles and allow us to interact with each other.
If you have not made your appointment for November 6th’s Parent-Teacher Conference, please call the office this week. Appointments can be made for an in-person conference or a telephone conference. If that date is not convenient, we can make arrangements to meet, or speak, on another date. Remember that the children have no school on that day.
Looking forward to a great week,
Miss Louise, & Miss Enedina